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Banthad Refugee Camp Memoire: Unit 6B10 - BanThad - Jan 21, 2008 5:42am
Journal @ World / Refugee Camps / Banthad Refugee Camp - Views (11276) - Ratings(7): ( 2.57 )
I've lived in Banthad when I was young since the day Banthad refugee camp was created. Somehow its images are still with me after many years. It's actually where the best memories of my life time are associated with. This camp was created fresh from the bare land fields. I came to this camp just to see only bare roofs of all residence units. All units were built in haste with only supporting pillars below the roof-tops. The whole camp was made of bamboo pillars and palm-leaf roofs. Our group of boat people were assigned unit 6B10 (Section 6, row B, unit #10).

The first night was most memorable for this camp. Our group spread out the given blue nylon tarps under the given roof. These nylon tarps were extremely slippery as they were brand new. The rough dirt and soil surface was barely even to rest in full stretch. I curled up in one single lowered spot that my body couldn't slide to another place. Perhaps it held my whole body well with the ground curved downward. The green grass was growing freely on the floor under the roof. The soil was dark gray and seemed very fertile. Green young shoots of all kinds of grass and plants flourished. Some of the green leaves caught my hand as I laid at night on the cool floor with my arm swung wide beyond the tarp covering the ground. The leaves of the grass and small plants were cool to the touch. They were very soft and gentle. I could smell the sweet earth fragrance as the night went by. Some moments, I woke-up and opened my eyes just only to see the dark roof. But there were some stars managed to peak through the gaps of the dry palm leaves.

I woke up that morning with a refreshing feeling. I felt safer and secure in this location. I felt like I didn't have to prepare to move anytime soon. Older adults of the group had left to the central meeting place to get building supplies and other items that the UNHCR was distributing. I saw some tools such as knives, machete, hammer & nails. And a whole lot more dried palm leaves padded up in patches for roof and wall construction.

Last Edit: Jan 28, 2008 12:26pm - by BanThad        Comments | Report

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( Boatpeople ) - Jun 27, 2013 7:11pm - Rated: 4

Hello Banthad,
Ban co nham lan khong vay ?
Section 6 cua trai Banthad gom co 9 day nha :
A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L. Moi day chi co 9 can nha,
moi can 8 nguoi o, khong co unit 10.
Section 6 do ong Nguyen Ba Ky lam truong khu,
toi la nhan vien cua ong, phu trach thong ke dan
so nen toi biet ro tung unit va ten tung nguoi,
nha toi o day K.
Nam 1988 trai Banthad thuoc quan Aranyaprathet,
Tinh Prachibury, khong phai Tinh Chanthabury.
Khong nam 1997 ? quan Aranyaprathet duoc tach ra
va sat nhap vao Tinh Sakoew moi thanh lap.
Nam 2007 va 2011 toi da tro lai Thailand 2 lan.

( Bang ) - Jan 07, 2012 1:50pm - Rated: 3

Cam on Banthad!

( BanThad ) - Jan 06, 2012 3:15am - Rating: None

Trai Banthad hoi xua la o tinh Chanthaburi. Nhung hoi nam 1993 vung do da tach ra thanh tinh? moi' la: Sa Kaeo, Thailand. Dia chi trong Google Map cua vung do bay gio la: Thap Thai, Ta Phraya, Sa Kaeo 27180, Thailand. Dia chi nay la cua trai. Site2 ke` tra.i Banthad. Hinh satellite show trai Banthad khong con nua. Chi la hoang vu. Nhung con co nhieu dan cu* o khu tra.i Site2. Neu co ai con song lai chac ho. cung da duo.c doi` ve` Site2 gan` do'. Tra.i Site2 hoi xua la cho nguoi` Campuchia o?

Thong tin cua ti?nh moi' nay tren Wiki day: a_Kaeo_Province

Dia chi va ba?n do` cua khu vu.c nay day: &eID=176

( Bang ) - Jan 06, 2012 1:32am - Rated: 3

Toi ten la Bang o San Jose, CA. Toi co nguoi em di vuot bien mat tich. Co 2 nguoi song sot duoc cuu va dua vao trai Banthad nam 1989. Xin hoi co ai biet Banthad nam o thanh pho va tinh nao cua Thailand? co phai tinh Chanthaburi khong? Co the la tau cua em toi bi nan o vung bien cua tinh gan Banthad refugee camp. Xin cam on ban.

Cam on anh Hao da vao day hoi dum minh.

( Guest User ) - Jan 04, 2012 5:08pm - Rating: None

Hoac ba.n xem Google Map trong post nay:

( Guest User ) - Jan 04, 2012 5:06pm - Rating: None

Chao ban. Bathad va Site II camp tren Google Map day:,102.886019&hl=en&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=0&z=14&lci=com.panoramio.all

( hao Truong ) - Jan 04, 2012 4:42pm - Rated: 2

Xin chao cac ban!

Co ai biet Banthad gan tinh nao o THAILAND, xin lam on cho toi biet gium, cam on nhieu.

( BanThad ) - Apr 19, 2008 12:55pm - Rating: None =QQ_3ASLx_O0
**Remove the empty spaces in the link above to access.

( BanThad ) - Apr 19, 2008 12:53pm - Rating: None

Someone has a lot more pics here: =QQ_3ASLx_O0

( netuser ) - Apr 17, 2008 4:51am - Rating: None


( Tom Tran ) - Mar 12, 2008 10:42am - Rating: None

Ba.n co' nhung tam hi`nh na`o ta.i tra.i ti. na.n Banthad khong? Rat vui ne^'u duoc trao doi vaoi ba.n.


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