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Bataan Refugee Camp - PASS School Pictures - BanThad - Jan 28, 2008 3:23am
Journal @ World / Refugee Camps / Bataan Refugee Camp (PRPC) - Views (20357) - Ratings(2): ( 4.00 )
I had only a few pics sent from Tien in 1997. I since have lost contact to my old friend. Just gonna post these pics in low resolution so in case the old friends from this group may find themselves on the net. I'm sure they'll recognize these pics right away.

Group photo on the side of one of the classroom buildings. Let me try to remember the names...
Back Row: Nuong, Tie^n, ???, ???, Huong(?), ???, Ho^`ng, Huy(?), ???
Front Row: Hoa`, Pha't, Tri', Tha`nh?, Bi`nh

Group photo of the Advanced ESL Class party. Taken inside the classroom of our teacher Mr. Balo. He was kind of a difficult man to deal with among the teachers. :) But he's alright being a nice guy explaining basic grammars for us. We all really like Mr. Domingo who was our Math teacher in the adjacent classroom. He was really a talkative and funny guy. Easy to get along as we laughed a lot in his class. I forgot the other teach to taught us American Studies. He was an older teacher and was the most difficult guy in all my classes.
Back Row: Tha`nh, ???, Ho`ng, Huong(?), ???, Tien, ???, Nuong, Huy(?), Mr. Balo
Front Row: Hoa`, Tri', Pha't, ???, Chie^'n(?), Bi`nh

Assembly in front of the Peer Aids center. I supposed our group was all working in the Peer Aids center?

Graduation day for Cycle 141. Came up to get our certificates. :O)
Thuy-Tien was walking off while Minh-Phat just stepped up. I think the lady was our principal.

This was our performance "field trip" to Subic Bay High School. We performed funny acts being refugee kids. I remembered the foreign kids audience there were all sitting really quiet and looked up at us on stage with an empty stare. I was not sure if they understood what the heck we were doing or they were just thinking we were monkies...hahaha. It was a very memorable trip for me as it was the first time I saw Philippines outside of the camp.
I believe Tien is on the left in blue shirt, Tha`nh is in the Lion's head Pha't is right behind Tha`nh...not sure who else.

Thuy-Tien and Nuong in 1997 time frame. I had successfully contacted Tien during this time and she wrote to me once. I went and visit Nuong in Hayward and we picked up Tien who flew from Boston to the San Francisco Bay Area for a visit. It was a quick re-union. Life was just too busy after that for me. Once I'm done with college, I had changed through a few addresses (I only gave them my Beeper number - Yep, it was that long ago. There were beepers everywhere!)

Last Edit: Jan 28, 2008 12:17pm - by BanThad        Comments | Report

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( Johnny Loc ) - Jun 11, 2020 5:23am - Rating: None

so emotional,Im Loc Nguyen in cycle A152-year 1991 and went to PASS school also,,,,, Phone 218-9193764

( Ketlen ) - Nov 13, 2015 8:34am - Rating: None

An interesting and coseihve lesson plan. I would definitely agree about providing a context the students can identify with as it the topic will become more interesting and possibly give them some ownership of the subject in question.On a side note, I am a relatively experienced English teacher and and getting towards the end of my Masters in TEFL. I am contemplating doing the CELTA to improve my practical teaching abilities. Would you say that the course has aided you significantly and is it worth the cost?Great blog. I am a long time reader but first time commenter.

( Guest User ) - Mar 16, 2015 1:00am - Rating: None

I was there in 1992, cycle 173. I went to Pass School, lost all my friends. If you're from the same cycle, contact me via email. I love to see you guys again

( Huy ) - Jan 07, 2015 8:38am - Rating: None

I was a PASS student in the advanced class as well, cycle 129A (1989), from Ms Liverta and Baradas classes. The stage looks the same as when I left school.

( Guest User ) - Oct 23, 2014 2:31pm - Rating: None

I still remember the graduation song of Cycle 135, wondering if it's the same for every cycle:

"As we leave the portal, memories remain
Thanks to you, our teachers, for your love and care..
We'll remember always, Graduation Day."

( Vinh ) - Mar 02, 2013 4:45pm - Rating: None

I am an AT for PASS in 1988, looking at your pictures and descriptions I am touched.Thanks for the precious memorial.


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